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It's About Time

Basic idea is~ Witty, self amusing, Single Mom, with a teenage daughter, wants to write murder mysteries, historical romances, humor, self help ... be published, become monetarily self sufficiant, and quit her day job. Can she? Will She?

Welcome to my Writing blog, former home of my NaNoWriMo Blog. I hate typing, can't spell, and have horrid punctuation skills. But I gotta do this, so read on or click the X, either way is fine by me.

Dibs on pen name Aurora Kamber.

Friday, December 30, 2005


Cerulean Sky
an original screenplay concept
by Aurora Kamber

Comedy: A struggling artist teams up with a cute dog named Jake to solve the perfect crime. In the process they fall in love with a rookie cop. By the end of the movie they run away from 3 bad guys and end up winning the admiration of their co-workers, living happily ever after.

Think Gone With the Wind meets Out of Africa.

Well, that was fun. Want a plot of your very own. Call on Plot-O-Matic.

Up really early this morning which means I will be ready for a nap about the time I should be at my most productive. Ha. More decluttering and cleaning with a bit of yard work throw in is on my plate for today.

I am working on a list of writing goals for 2006. I need a better plan than I had this last year. Occasionally, working on my novel while procastinating until November, for NaNo is, well, just stupid. And no one, not even me, should ever accuse me of being stupid.

Writing Goals

Set aside a block of time to write. Minimum 15 minutes with 1 hour on Fri, Sat,& Sun
Journal everyday.
When "writing", stop editing...just write
Get back in the habit of going to writer's group.
Post on farm blog or here more often.

Submit at least one short story or article.

That should be "do able" enough to "not give up" come mid January. Those intertwined with my personal and art goals should keep me pretty darn busy.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Well Crap!!!

Didn't make the 50K this year! November has to be the worse month for this! I might just have to wait until I retire to officially complete this challenge.