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It's About Time

Basic idea is~ Witty, self amusing, Single Mom, with a teenage daughter, wants to write murder mysteries, historical romances, humor, self help ... be published, become monetarily self sufficiant, and quit her day job. Can she? Will She?

Welcome to my Writing blog, former home of my NaNoWriMo Blog. I hate typing, can't spell, and have horrid punctuation skills. But I gotta do this, so read on or click the X, either way is fine by me.

Dibs on pen name Aurora Kamber.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

2243 Words

I really spent too much time doing research tonight and not enough time typing. And then when I did get to the writing part and spent to much time editing. I need to continue to just type, type, type, and let the ideas flow out on to the page. I can edit later.

Meg has 2 brothers and a sister, the sister is going to be the one writing Isle of Hope, so there will be 1st person and 3rd person. Which seems to be flowing well so far... and for another excerpt:

Our mother, an avid reader while pregnant, named me while she read Shakespeare’s, A Midsummer’s Night Dream, Helena, or Lena, for short. We always shorten up our names before we started school. I went through a short period of time, most of 4th and 5th grade, only answering to Helena, usually waiting till whoever was calling me to say it twice. She was reading The Ambassadors, by Henry James, so that is how Chadwick got his name. By the time mother was carrying Bart, her literary choices were quite different, and we were just 4 and 2 years old. So he is named for Dr Suess’s Bartholomew and the Oobleck. We weren’t sure what name mother would choose for the gift baby, we all called Meg the gift baby because mother muttered “the gift baby several times a day”. By this time mother's reading material was almost non existent, but she sure managed to eat a lot of rocky road ice cream, which the mail boat brought over a half gallon every day for months. Plus, mother always had an orange, frothy concoction in a clear, cut crystal goblet, that she called my mimosa, but I knew there wasn’t any champagne in it. Mom was strictly a teetotaler, until at 40 she found herself gifted with another pregnancy, then she carried the goblet and a pitcher or thermos filled with the mimosa mixture with her everywhere. Chad and I were betting on Rocky, or perhaps, Mimi if a girl was born. I don’t think there was a reason for the name Meg, but at least she didn’t have to shorten her name.

So now I have the siblings, Lena, Chad, Bart, and Meg. I also have Chad and Bart's Family and occupations and more, but I am not posting everything. I think this could really turn out well. Heck I am even thinking a trilogy... Wait how many words again?


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