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It's About Time

Basic idea is~ Witty, self amusing, Single Mom, with a teenage daughter, wants to write murder mysteries, historical romances, humor, self help ... be published, become monetarily self sufficiant, and quit her day job. Can she? Will She?

Welcome to my Writing blog, former home of my NaNoWriMo Blog. I hate typing, can't spell, and have horrid punctuation skills. But I gotta do this, so read on or click the X, either way is fine by me.

Dibs on pen name Aurora Kamber.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

I can hear November calling

I have been working on my book bit by bit as time permits. Not even close to being finished.

But last night I kept writing this scene opening in my dreams:

The sea water lapped against the sides of the small wooden boat. A row boat or dingy as most would call it. My family, different as usual, called these vessels a dinky. The consistent soft water pat was soothing as I lay feet to bow, my head supported by the well worn planking of the seat at the stern. The oars safely tucked in around my hips I watched huge clouds dance across the cerulean sky.

"...a dingy as most would call it. My family, different as usual, called it a dinky"

Somewhere I have to work this in... calling a dingy a dinky is what kept repeating in my tossing and turning.

Okay it needs work. I really need to learn more about parts of boats. I think the oars would be longer than to have the paddle part at my hips...

Anyway just wanted to get that down before I forgot it. No idea where it is going.

That's the fun part.


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